Deb Farina

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Life is talking to you, all the time

But paradigms/past create interference

So the meaning in the now is lost or confused

Pulling you out of center, balance, and peace

With a call from within

To restore and remember who you are, on a soul level

Navigate collective energies as they show in your experiences

With support to strengthen inquiry from within

3 Integrating Course/Class Paths

Channeled to Support the Energy of the Times

Available by energy theme…

To bring tangible understanding to experiences

Developing: Presents of Peace

Stimulating the deeper union of divinity and humanity.

Transition: Renewed & Resilient

Restore emotional balance and see the change you’ve been desiring.

Trust: Intuitive In-Sights

Deepen connection to Higher Self and rise above paradigms.

Or by class or course…

To follow the energy as it takes you to the next state of evolution

Sacred Calling MasterClass: Light Leaps

…restore light to the shadow parts of your energy field, deepening unconditional love for you and your journey, leaping into a new paradigm and timeline with a clean slate clearing of thought loops

ASK 2nd Quarter Course: Presents of Peace

…deepening the process of hieros gamos with understanding, initiating ascension of consciousness levels and supporting evolution to peace.

Gifts for Growth Course: Renewed & Resilient

…playfully unwinding who you believe to be, restoring fragmented DNA to its natural state of wholeness, relaxed.

Sacred Calling MasterClass: Intuitive In-Sights

…balancing emotional aspects of Chiron-Uranus, “Aries” divine masculine clearing, including aspects of people-pleasing and approval from others, remembering empowered inner strength.

As with all energy translations, as the energy approaches it become clearer to explain…

And much of the collective energy experiences present at other times for karmic cycle clearings.

Trust your instinct {“gut”} to guide to what serves now.

Questions? Email me at