Deb Farina

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ASK…ancient seeker knowing

Guidance to navigate collective energies as they show in your experiences

With support to strengthen inquiry from within

To restore and remember your true soul expression

Receive reassurance during changing times while increasing connection to Higher Self

Reduce identification with paradigms or systems that distort the message of your light…

In the next evolved version of ASK, receive a monthly video with prominent energy update, weaving pieces together to apply in your life…

And guided flow with light language/heart harmonies to transform, remembering the state of centered peace.

Plus, a live class that supports Sacred Calling

The knowing of who you are from within.

Brought to you this quarter in the following format…

To connect all the pieces as you navigate this quarter of time {mid-April - early July 2024}

Presents of Peace

…deepening the process of hieros gamos with understanding.

Hieros gamos is integrating the divine with human, emerging in a state of one…

It is the sacred marriage, initiating ascension of consciousness levels and supporting evolution to a state of peace.

ASK 2nd Quarter 2024 provides #1: a short video class, Ankh Anchors and audio companion, Enrich Experiences to start the energy development cycle.

For esoteric students, the tri-flame of Khemalohatea is activated and will be utilized throughout this journey.

Khemalohatea is an integration with light and sound codes that stimulates {the flame} the ascension journey.

In practical terms, it’s a way to clear paradigms, seeing where behavioral patterns have kept you stuck in loops.

Supporting time and the ability to understand it…

Navigating to release what keeps bringing past into the future due to fears.

When past behaviors and ideas aren’t processed, they continue to show up in experiences which may be unpleasant…

And sometimes enjoyable but not exciting, as innovation is minimized in this state.

In short, the past patterns create confusion for the new to emerge.

When in a state of developing, deciding what to let go is key.

The collective energy amplifies a message for the evolution of all

But is often taught as a single situation, although some astrologers do a wonderful job of showing the way the planets interconnect.

This method provides an explanation of the energy as it expresses {such as development} each month…

Simplifying your ability to see the bigger picture, rather than a partial view.

The over-arching perspective supports a release from outcomes and lower dense energies.

When in denser states, the message gets bogged down by details and the past intruding on the present.

A supportive #2 live Sacred Calling MasterClass, Light Leaps

Scheduled to occur May 5th at 1pmEST {recording available following}

Restore light to the shadow parts of your energy field

Deepening unconditional love for you and your journey

Leaping into a new paradigm and timeline

With a clean slate clearing of thought loops

Astrologically, this class will support the path that Chiron and Pluto are navigating this year and into the next.

Bringing support to develop your new adventure, the clean slate you’re beginning to discern.

Without the old patterns of behavior that haunted your present reality

Re-calibrating to a new vibration frequency with Mercury.

ASK is similar to a membership journey for consciousness

To awaken and expand beyond time and space {through timelines and dimensions}.

With practical application, shown through examples or tangible experience, to navigate behavioral shifts.

And can be customized when you prefer 1 item to the full course theme.

Esoteric topics such as planet energies, divine numbers, animal spirit guides and related information is provided to support clearing.

Without the need to know over-complicated systems that create confusion and instead, access possibilities and potentials in the now moment.

#3: Short Video Class & Energy Guided Flow (24 minutes): Jupiter Jumps & Uranus Un-fragments

Available now to support the conjunction, developing new, and the coming months that follow.

Jupiter and Uranus meet to support healing karmic individual and collective cycles

Putting an end to suffering patterns through restoring and remembering peace

Uranus moves you away from unfulfilled paths and into new, empowered directions…

As it disrupts society paradigms and guides into a remembered state of presence.

Healing the un-fragmented pieces of self that has held you separate through opinions of others and society teachings that left unfulfilled.

Restoring generations of karmic patterns, healing mother-child wounds and divine masculine decisions…

As it works with the fires of the phoenix through Chiron to gift with peace and possibility.

Stimulating Jupiter’s supporting expansion of your soul light as you breakthrough cycles and patterns…

Through spontaneous ideas, cultivated in a restored whole state of being, opening up receptivity.

As you jump into a new state of being, this opens to a new 14 year development cycle with a clean slate.

Supporting a re-calibrating rhythm, beyond time and space constraints as you heal from the past replaying in the present…

With a purifying light, the emerald works deep in your mental patterns to stimulate the pure state of silence, a 24th dimension code/perspective to peace.

ASK 2nd Quarter 2024: Developing


#1: Ankh Anchors & Enrich Experiences video/audio classes {available now}

#2: Light Leaps Live MasterClass {occurring May 5th, 1pmEST}

#3: Jupiter Jumps & Uranus Un-Fragments video class {available mid-April}

Bonus: 2 additional video classes {released in June and early July}.

Investment: $123

Or purchase one of the items individually…

Ankh Anchors + Enrich Experiences video/audio classes: $33

Light Leaps Live MasterClass: $77

Jupiter Jumps & Uranus Un-Fragments video class: $22

All to support your individual journey to connect the pieces as you navigate this quarter of time {mid-April - early July 2024}

Individual guidance is provided in the MasterClass in May for those who attend live {or a Session/Reading can be added as an additional investment}.

Let intuition navigate to the solution that meets your needs now and email me at for the link to invest.