Deb Farina
Scheduling Website.png

Ready to schedule your 1:1 session?

Whether it be…

A Free Inquiry Chat to create a coaching package

30 minute Wise Woman chat

45 minute Sensing Soul Session

60 minute Clarity Consult Calls or Answers from Astrology Reading

90 minute Deep Dive Session

Or 120 minute Divine Depths

As per my intuitive guidance, I’ll no longer be using Scheduling software, after 9 years, effective February 2nd so here’s what to do and expect:

Start with checking current Availability {which is subject to change}…

All times noted are in EST

Hours {through the remainder of May}:

Saturday: 11amEST - 6:30pmEST (Latest Booking 5pmEST)

Sunday, once a month (May 26th): 11am to 3:30pmEST (Latest booking 2pmEST)

Closer to the end of summer, weekday evening hours will open up again!

If you’ve already purchased the Session/s…

Send me an email {} or if you’re a current client, feel free to text or Voxer me as well {you have that info!}…

And request a specific day/time: recommended to do the day before but can occur same day if earlier enough!

I’ll reply as soon as possible to confirm or suggest a change, providing you with the Zoom information for our call.

Please remember to note the details on your calendar as there won’t be any reminders {clogging your email}.

If this is a one-off session and you haven’t purchased it yet, please return to the appropriate page as follows:

Clarity Consult Calls {only available once!}

Sensing Soul or Deep Dive

Answers from Astrology

Wise Woman chats and Divine Depths are reserved for coaching clients.

Once you’ve purchased, follow the above direction to confirm day/time.

If you have any questions, please email me at