Deb Farina

Bundles of Bliss Website Page.png

Ready to remember

the pure energies of presence,

unconditional love in its many forms…

To restore your energy to a balanced state

Where you recall the fragmented parts of self

To feel whole and part of the universe, knowing you matter.

Receive support to complete karmic cycles

Release stress, mental paradigms, society beliefs

And ancestral/past traumas.

Reconnect to presence

To a relaxed state of calm

A oneness that is Bliss.

Introducing Bundles of Bliss.

Choose one of the combos below…

{If you desire more than one bundle, email me at for special savings.}

Combo 1: Chiron Complete + Compassion Core

Do you have an action or behavior that you find hard to forgive?

In the Chiron Complete audio, you’re guided on a meditative journey that shifts the energy flow to help complete a cycle of experiences

With support from the companion audio, Compassion Core, to help with the actions you haven’t been able to forgive, and bring forth the feeling of compassion.

In Chiron Complete…

Witness with compassion and support your clearing, working with the constellation Centaurus to unlock the key to a long-standing pattern or cycle.

Experience a cathartic release in this guided energy flow, where you dive deep into the living waters and emerge on a rocket ship to the light

Shaking the last pieces of pain you’ve been holding on to and recognizing the gift of transmutation through the experience…

In Compassion Core…

Shift your energy flow to return it to center

To forgive opinions about the past, beliefs about current experiences and change perspective.

Deepening understanding with a softening, opening your heart light, your core, to shine brighter.

With these 2 audio guided flows…

The energy expression to complete cycles and restore compassion

Opening your heart like a flower.

Scroll below to investment when you’re ready to purchase.

Combo 2: Saturn Soars + Bliss Bounty

Is there an area of you’re life you feel caught in, exhibiting as a continual pressure, circling around and around like Saturn’s rings?

In the Saturn Soars audio, you’re guided to heal a pattern of dissatisfaction and over-responsibility taught in society paradigms.

With support from the companion audio, Bliss Bounty, to remember what fulfillment feels like.

In Saturn Soars…

Move from dissatisfaction with life and disharmony with Higher Self as Saturn guides, empowering self to soar.

Working with the 7th StarGate to heal relationship energy, emotional imbalance and ground to a state of detached observing.

While re-establishing connection to Higher Self through Rhythm, re-directing energy back to center where one is whole and abundant.

In Bliss Bounty…

Shift your energy flow to return it to center.

Find fulfillment, a state of wholeness, when you cleanse the seed of dissatisfaction and restore empowerment.

Free the ties to stasis, stagnant energy repressed through fear to flow again in the waters of life with bliss.

With these 2 audio guided flows…

The energy expression to disconnect from dissatisfaction and restore fulfillment

Empowering your wholeness, a oneness with bliss.

Scroll below to investment when you’re ready to purchase.

Combo 3: Ophiuchus Opens + Grace Governs

Is there a belief or experience you feel locked in to?

In the Ophiuchus Opens audio, you’re guided on a meditative journey that shifts the energy flow through your records to realize new possibilities.

With support from the companion audio, Grace Governs, to see your way through a pattern, and open to the light of grace.

In Ophiuchus Opens…

Shift from a closed pattern of behavior to realize new possibilities as Ophiuchus guides you to open your light.

Working with the key of records to re-direct momentum, and align to the path of your highest potential.

While re-establishing grace to move through cycles of suffering, creating a sense of peace and faith, returning to a state of beginning.

In Grace Governs…

Rise above beliefs an external responses, emanating faith amidst adversity.

See your way through the pattern of a previously locked belief

And enter the garden of light, feeling the vibration from inside.

With these 2 audio guided flows…

The energy expression to rebirth and restore openness

Remembering the light of grace.

Use the link below when you’re ready to purchase!

Investment for 1 Bundle of Bliss {2 audio combo}: $55

Click the highlighted price above

Then email me at with which of the above bundles you prefer…

Prior to investing, please refer to terms of service.

Within 24 hours {48 on the weekends}, you’ll receive an email from with links and invoice for accounting purposes.

Have you seen my energy library and blog? Wisdom Waves