Restore & Remember


Restore & Remember

…who you are

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Hey there! I’m Deb Farina…

With a message for you.

By now you’ve probably heard many talk about what is to come with 2027, the spiritual expansion epoch.

It’s been called and described in many different ways.

I’m here to remind you that your answers are within you.

At times, guides will appear to light the way but the truth is always what resonates from within you…what you recognize as a remembrance.

In a bit, I’ll bring guidance to you regarding this but first, check in with yourself:

When I say the spiritual expansion era is about increasing trust in your intuitive senses, reminding you of what you already know but haven’t remembered due to dense energies trapped in your field untransmuted…

What does your sense tell you?

Does this ring true for you as a knowing, as an all body yes or an unconscious head nod?

Or maybe part of it is true for your journey now and you’ll take this, leaving the rest.

The ride of life is the transmutation from the darker energies into light, releasing judgment of good or bad.

As with any spiritual expansion or ascension journey, you open to see the light…like wings unfolding.

The information from your experiences are expressed as energy to show the way and I’m here to guide you to see the pattern and support your rebirth…

Your restoration and remembrance of your true soul expression.

Here’s an example…

To reveal what pattern has been hiding in dense energy for you to clear…

Notice what you’ve been considering and doubting…

There’s a message in this energy expression that can be illuminated

Through inquiry of your Higher Self

Not with a how or why question

But what…what is the doubt telling you?

Doubt is a lower energy used as a pause to recognize fears from the past you’re bringing into the future

To move past the fears, inquire within to see your truth.

In the next video, Re-Defining Reality, you’ll receive support to clear fear.

In the meantime, explore this site for more videos and individual guidance.

The companion audio: Anticipation Answers

Meet Deb

Hey there! I’m Deb Farina, a life and spiritual coach, who also mentors entrepreneurs, guiding you to restore and remember your true/soul expression.

Whether it be understanding a life transition, a calling to clarify your gifts in a new way, and/or embrace awareness of consciousness for spiritual expansion.

I support to reveal conditioned perspectives, illuminated through intuitively guided esoteric knowledge that is channeled.

To release your individual expression, guiding understanding to emerge and inspiration to flow, in benefit of the collective and your soul journey.

All at your divine pace and timing.

With over 20 years of coaching experience {11 as an entrepreneur}, I’ve been called to specialize in energy pattern releasing as well as focused expansion in all areas of life, including relationships and business.

The intuitive flow and focus approach guides to grow in alignment with your energy, deepening connection to Higher Self and intuition so your actions are unlimited by conditioning to create expansion in all areas.

The inquiry and intuitive approach develops and brings trust in your understanding while affirming your natural expression, empowering to create in alignment with what you desire to feel.