Cycle Complete


Restore & Remember

…who you are

Read the transcript or access the video below.

Hey there!

Things are being to unfold…

Like the picture of a spiral {see above}

Returning to center {home}

Cycles are clearing, unwinding patterns of behavior

As you transmute the “past” to restore and remember now

Your answers are within…

And these Wisdom Waves videos, articles and audios are a guide to bring you back home.

As you read this blog post or watch the video {link at top of page}…

Inquire within {hand on heart} and follow what resonates to expand your consciousness.

Cycle Complete

…the 7 Spiral

A cycle is defined as a series of events repeating in the same order…

And it happens all the time in our experiences

While there are many patterns to repeating experiences, the one of significance I’ve been guided to share…

Is the 7 Spiral

A spiral is defined as a continuous winding in either an expansive or tightening curve…

And the 7, as the energy of integrity, takes the curve into the relationship of your spiritual self.

Try it…look back 7 years ago and ask what was occurring for you.

Where have you seen changes in your life to bring you into integrity with consciousness?

And recognize the patterns you’ve dropped as a result.

Start by looking 7 years, then 14, then 21 and so on…

For example, in 2017, my professional focus shifted to support entrepreneurs

To see their gifts and where they can be used tangibly

With a honed in focus in one area, my business shifted into a state of profit and increased compensation

While allowing space for the multi-passionate through spiritual expansion foundations.

I created new relationships with similarly minded individuals

And found a rhythm to life, supported by intuitive insight at the helm.

I broke the cycle of not seeing myself as a entrepreneur that lived her life solely from her business income

And while I cleared cycles of visibility, I supported my clients to realize their gifts.

Examples support making things tangible in our reality, don’t they?

When I look back another 7 years to 2010…

I saw a similar pattern as I had begun to meditate

And my intuitive senses guided me to consider leaving a field I had been in for almost 15 years to move to coaching.

My life increased its spiritual focus where I utilized tools to shift perspective

And began to balance my emotional body, healing traumas.

Another 7 years earlier in 2003…

Saw me leave the field of Human Resources for a bit

And expand my understanding of business development.

Are you seeing the pattern of beginning something new?

Of releasing identification with aligning to what I do

And to increase the way I diversified being of service…

Is this pattern or another showing up in your life currently?

Moving out of any cycle is supporting by recognizing the pattern.

Once you create awareness, it opens an opportunity to heal it and choose differently…

Or witness it without expectation to see where it leads

The 7 year cycle isn’t specific to one date and time but is continuously renewing.

As I spoke about in Re-Defining Reality {access here}…

Take a moment and ask what resonates with what I’ve shared so far

And in what way it appears for you…

Why 7 Years?

Our energy bodies store information in cells for a period of 7 years

This translates into cell memory when a similar experience occurs in your life…

There’s a connection to a past response that hasn’t transmuted.

The identification to the past is your link or memory to the experience

So the information from the emotion can be completely processed.

The processing occurs when you see it from a different viewpoint {literally lifting your energy up}

A new “dimensional” perspective which brings in depth to understand it.

Think of the layers in a wave...

Each “level” creates the perspective of depth.

As you move through levels, you surface.

Follow the imagery so far?

When the information given in the form of an experience isn’t processed,

It stays stagnant in your energy field…

It’s as if you’re under water or overwhelmed

Because the information circles the same story over and over.

Energy isn’t created, it’s transmuted to another form…

What we known as spiritual alchemy or embodiment {when brought into reality}.

Transmuting begins with a realization of an inspired idea to see something from a new viewpoint…

The idea is a window or opening of possibility, beyond what you see in your reality.

The inspiration for the idea is spontaneous and often when you aren’t focused on the experience

As your preconceived notions aren’t blocking the truth of the possibility to emerge.

When you’re looking to the past for the future, it creates a repetitive cycle.

The 7th dimension/timeline breaks the cycle…

There is only ever now, when in a state of wholeness

But as parts of self are fragmented…

You experience time as a linear expression.

Are you with me so far?

Each expression of time can be explained as a stream of consciousness.

A flow that oscillates between different expressions of energy.

In the 7th state of consciousness, it’s a doorway to witness.

Your perspective looks from a more expansive view, free from emotional identifications with the past.

Think of a building and you stand on the 3rd floor, looking down.

It’s one view, right?

But when you go up to the 7th floor, you’re able to see farther in all directions…

And you’re out of the activity happening on the 3rd floor.

Let’s bring this into a tangible experience

Taking a page from astrology…

Astrology reminds the energy of 7 is best understood through relationships.

As they reflect back to you energy that the collective {including you} is exposed to.

The 7th House is Relationships

And the 7th Sign is Libra

Libra is known for finding harmony or the center point in it all…

Utilizing scales as a symbol of truth, in our justice system.

And as a larger expression, representing the ability to see beyond the illusion of a belief to truth.

See where this fits in with the 7th dimension example above?

It also links up with the 7 year cycle because your relationships reflect patterns back to you

Mirroring similarities through different individuals over time.

Let’s take this a step further with the flow of planets

And bring you back to what is occurring now.

The planets in our galaxy move counter-clockwise, circling like water down a drain

With the exception of Venus and Uranus.

Both, Venus and Uranus, have recently shifted in energy to amplify specific energetic themes to support you

And will continue to play a significant role in collective consciousness this year {2024}.

I’ll continue to update you to the prominent events through video…

Are you subscribed? New YouTube Channel

Venus and Uranus move clockwise to counteract the energy of past review and future expectation

To bring to center point, like the middle of the number 3.

Imagine, if you will, a spiral that moves around the number 3 {more on this significance in the next blog post}

This is the 7 Spiral {as there are 7 levels} and here’s the significance…

The spiral changes experience

The way you perceive what is in your reality ~ what you think + feel ~ and the way you embody it.

Each level you experience exhibits through a different variation of an energy expression {more to come on this soon}

The expression of energy you experience is based on what your Higher Self wants you to understand and embody.

To keep it simple and wrap this up…

As the 7 years or timelines occur, similar experiences occur through different relationships.

Replenishing your cells with a “new” vibration, and opportunity to understand a pattern

And release the “old” frequency.

Restoring and remembering true intention, the message behind the experience, seeded from your heart-soul.

And opportunity to embody the way it feels in your relationships.

To begin to break the cycle, recognize when the past is returning to you {as you did at the beginning of this blog post}

And process energies {both intentionally and emotionally} that have been stagnant to release new possibilities.

See the companion audio, Possibilities Power: Library

Wisdom Waves articles evolve and may be modified as added information becomes available.

Meet Deb

Hey there! I’m Deb Farina, a life and spiritual coach, who also mentors entrepreneurs, guiding you to restore and remember your true/soul expression.

Whether it be understanding a life transition, a calling to clarify your gifts in a new way, and/or embrace awareness of consciousness for spiritual expansion.

I support to reveal conditioned perspectives, illuminated through intuitively guided esoteric knowledge that is channeled.

To release your individual expression, guiding understanding to emerge and inspiration to flow, in benefit of the collective and your soul journey.

All at your divine pace and timing.

With over 20 years of coaching experience {11 as an entrepreneur}, I’ve been called to specialize in energy pattern releasing as well as focused expansion in all areas of life, including relationships and business.

The intuitive flow and focus approach guides to grow in alignment with your energy, deepening connection to Higher Self and intuition so your actions are unlimited by conditioning to create expansion in all areas.

The inquiry and intuitive approach develops and brings trust in your understanding while affirming your natural expression, empowering to create in alignment with what you desire to feel.